Upload mobile app

Upload your mobile app to the Katalon TestCloud server using a presigned URL.


This request uses the PUT method, which is used to upload mobile application files to Katalon's cloud environment.

  • Replace the full URL in the endpoint with the pre-signed URL you retrieved from the Get upload URL endpoint.
  • When transferring files where the exact file type is unknown or could vary (e.g., .exe, .zip, .bin), the API uses application/octet-stream MIME type for your Content-Type header.
  • for the data-binary component, the @ symbol indicates that the data should be read from the file path where your mobile application files are being sent.

For example:

curl --location --request PUT 'Your_Presigned_URL_here' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' \
--data-binary '@/Users/MyMobileApp/app.apk'


The response returns a 200 OK message. For more information about response message codes, see Error handling.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!