JUMP TOGet startedIntroduction to TestOps APIAuthenticationFind ID variables for API callsErrorsTest CaseThe Test Case resourceGet details of a test casegetUpdate a test casepostTest SuiteThe Test Suite resourceGet details of a test suitegetCreate a test suitepostUpdate a test suitepostDelete a test suitedeleteTEST RUN (EXECUTION)The Test Run resourceGet test runsgetExport and download a test rungetDownload all uploaded files of a test rungetLink a test run to a releasepostUnlink a test run from a releasepostLink a test run to a buildpostRe-run a test runpostTerminate a test run in progresspostDelete test rundeleteScheduleThe Schedule endpointRetrieve a scheduled executiongetCreate a schedulepostCreate and save a scheduled configurationpostCreate and trigger a schedulepostTrigger a scheduleputLink a schedule to a releasepostUnlink a schedule from a releasepostLink a schedule to a buildpostDelete a scheduledeleteTest ResultThe Test Result resourceGet a test resultgetReleaseThe Release resourceCreate a releasepostUpdate a releaseputArchive/unarchive a releasepostBuildThe Build resourceCreate a buildpostUpdate a buildputDelete a builddeleteProjectThe Project resourceGet a projectgetGet all projectsgetGIT REPOSITORYThe Test Project (Git) resourceGet a Git test projectgetCreate a Git test projectpostUpdate a Git test projectpostRefresh test suite collections of a Git test projectpostDelete a Git test projectdeleteAgentThe Agent resourceGet a local agentgetexternal issueMap/link test case to a Jira issuepostSEARCHThe Search resourceGet test object via searchpostexecution-env-svc APIMobile App ResourceList all mobile appsgetCreate mobile apppostDelete mobile appdeleteGet upload URLgetMobile Device ResourceList all device groupsgetPowered by Delete mobile appdelete https://example.com/appsDelete mobile app by ID and perhaps all its versions