Delete mobile app

Delete mobile app by ID and perhaps all its versions


This request uses the DELETE method, which is used to remove one or more mobile apps based on the given app IDs.

Replace {your_access_token} with your actual API access token. The Authorization header should follow the format: Bearer your_access_token. This token authenticates your request to the Katalon TestCloud API. See the following topic for more information: JSON Web Token Authentication.

You need to provide the following required parameters in the request body:

  • id: The unique identifier of the mobile app to be deleted.
  • purge: A Boolean flag indicating whether to permanently delete the app. If false, the app is simply removed but may be recoverable. If true, the app is permanently deleted.

For example:

    "id": "b3f2a3a0-0f5a-4e4a-8f4a-9b9b9b9b9b9b",
    "purge": false


If you use true, your request deletes all versions of the app associated with the same bundle ID.

For example, if you have a mobile app with a bundle ID and you managed to upload it twice, this results in two app IDs: appId1 and appId2. If you delete appId1 with purge=true, the request removes both appId1 and appId2. This is because they share the same bundle ID, indicating they are different versions of the same app.


The response will confirm the deletion of the app(s), along with their associated metadata if applicable.

See the following example:

  "status": "success",
  "message": "The app has been deleted successfully.",
  "deletedIds": [

Refer to the following table about the response body properties:

statusStringThe status of the deletion request (e.g., success, failure).
messageStringA detailed message about the deletion operation (e.g., success, errors).
deletedIdsObjectAn array of the IDs of the apps that were successfully deleted.

Try it!

  1. Enter the required (and optional, if applicable) fields below.
  2. Select the language in Language.
  3. Enter your user name or API credentials.
  4. Review your API call and click Try it!
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!