The Schedule endpoint

This resource refers to test schedules. In TestOps, you can create a schedule and/or configure how a test case or test cases in a test suite are executed or run. The ‘schedule’ resource allows you to retrieve schedule information and configuration about a test case or a test suite, and even create to save or trigger a test run or execution immediately or at a scheduled time.

You can also use this resource to link/unlink a schedule from a release or build.

The schedule API resource has three API objects you can interact with through the API:

  1. Smart scheduler object - The smart scheduler object describes a scheduled execution. TestOps generates a smart scheduler object when you schedule an execution with the smart scheduler interface.
  2. Run configuration object - The run configuration object describes the execution configuration. A run configuration contains configuration information about the execution, such as associated test suites, the agent, and the execution commands.
  3. Scheduler object - The scheduler object describes the execution trigger and schedule.


To learn more about scheduling test runs, see Schedule test runs in TestOps.

Smart scheduler - response body sample

  "runConfiguration": {...},
  "scheduler": {...}

Refer to the following table about the response body parameters:

runConfigurationrun configuration objectThe object representing the execution configuration.
schedulerscheduler objectThe object describing how the execution should be triggered.

Run configuration - response body sample

    "id": 431605,
    "name": "Sample tests",
    "command": "",
    "projectId": xxx,
    "teamId": xxx,
    "testProjectId": 413209,
    "testSuiteId": 1021178,
    "executionProfileId": 103622,
    "timeOut": 60,
    "kobitonDeviceId": "",
    "configType": "TEST_SUITE",
    "testProject": {
      "id": 413209,
      "name": "testcloud-sample-projects",
      "description": "",
      "projectId": xxx,
      "teamId": xxx,
      "createdAt": "2022-11-04T04:02:14.799+0000",
      "type": "GIT",
      "dirty": false
    "agents": [],
    "testCloudAgents": [{...}],
    "k8sAgents": [],
    "circleCIAgents": [],
    "testCloudTestSuiteCollectionAgents": [],
    "cloudType": "TEST_CLOUD_AGENT",
    "genericCommand": "",
    "ksVersion": "8.5.2",
    "ksLocation": "",
    "nextRunScheduler": {},
    "executionMode": "SEQUENTIAL",
    "enabledKobitonIntegration": false,
    "enabledTestCloudTunnel": false,
    "triggerMode": "TESTOPS_SCHEDULER",
    "browserType": "CHROME"

Refer to the following table about the response body parameters:

idintegerThe unique identifier of the run configuration.
namestringThe name of the test execution.
commandstringThe execution command to specify the behavior of the execution.
See Command-line syntax.
projectIdintegerThe ID of the project associated with this execution.
teamIdintegerThe ID of the team associated with this execution.
testProjectIdintegerThe ID of the script repository or zip repository that contains test cases.
releaseIdintegerThe ID of the release associated with the execution
testSuiteCollectionIdintegerThe ID of the test suite collections used in the execution.
testSuiteIdintegerThe ID of the test suite used in the execution.
executionProfileIdintegerThe execution profile configured in Katalon Studio.

See Execution Profile.
baselineCollectionGroupOrderintegerThe order of the Visual Testing baseline collection associated with the execution.

See Baseline collection.
timeOutintegerThe time limit for the execution.
kobitonDeviceIdstringThe Kobiton device ID to execute mobile tests, applied when Kobiton integration is enabled.
configTypestringConfiguration type: TSC, COMMAND, GENERIC_COMMAND, TEST_SUITE.
testProjecttestProject objectThe repository that contains the test cases.
agentsArray of Agent objectsThe local agents used in the execution.
testCloudAgentsArray of TestCloudAgent objectsThe TestCloud agents used in the execution.
k8sAgentsArray of K8SAgent objectsThe Kubernetes (K8s) agents used in the execution.
circleCIAgentsArray of CircleCIAgent objectsThe CircleCI agents used in the execution.
testCloudTestSuiteCollectionAgentsArray of testCloudTestSuiteCollectionAgent objectsThese agents are used for overriding individual test environments of test suites in a test suite collection.
cloudTypestringThe cloud execution type, associated with the agents in use: LOCAL_AGENT, TEST_CLOUD_AGENT, CIRCLE_CI_AGENT, K8S_AGENT, K8S.
latestJobJob objectThis object describes the latest execution.
genericCommandstringThe generic execution command configured for the execution.
ksVersionstringThe version of Katalon Runtime Engine used for the execution.
ksLocationstringThe location of Katalon Runtime Engine instance, applied when using local agent.
nextRunSchedulerscheduler objectThe scheduler object for the next execution.
releaserelease objectThe release object associated with the execution.
buildbuild objectThe build object associated with the execution.
executionModestringThere are two execution modes: SEQUENTIAL and PARALLEL.
enabledKobitonIntegrationbooleantrue if Kobiton integration is enabled.
enabledTestCloudTunnelbooleantrue if TestCould Tunnel is enabled.
triggerModestringHow the execution should be triggered: TESTOPS_SCHEDULER (triggered at the specified date and time) or MANUAL_TRIGGER (triggered manually by the user).
browserTypestringThe test environment used in the execution:




  • EDGE







  • ALL
  • Scheduler properties - response body sample

        "id": 178895,
        "name": "Untitled",
        "startTime": "2022-12-11T08:05:00.000+0000",
        "active": true,
        "interval": 1,
        "intervalUnit": "WEEK",
        "runConfigurationId": 428934

    A scheduler object has the following properties:

    idintegerThe unique identifier of the scheduler.
    namestringThe name of the scheduler.
    startTimedatetimeThe date and time when the execution starts.
    nextTimedatetimeThe date and time for the next iteration of the execution.
    endTimedatetimeThe date and time when the execution should stop.
    activebooleantrue when then associated run configuration is repeatedly scheduled or saved for manual trigger.

    See: Execute test runs manually.
    intervalintegerHow many intervals until the next execution. Applied when execution is repeated.
    intervalUnitstringThe interval unit in use:

    • MINUTE

    • HOUR

    • DAY

    • WEEK

    • MONTH

    runConfigurationIdintegerThe ID of the run configuration associated with the scheduler.
    exceededLimitTimebooleantrue if the execution exceeded the TestCloud execution time limit.