Delete a schedule

A successful request to this endpoint deletes a saved run configuration object. This method returns the deleted object details.


This request uses the DELETE method, which is used to delete a saved run configuration object by specifying its unique identifier. A successful request removes the run configuration and returns the details of the deleted object.

For basic authorization, replace this with your actual username and password (or API key) in the header request in the username:password or username:api_key format. Your credentials are combined to form a Base64-encoded string for authentication.

No request data is required in the body, as the request operates based on the path parameter provided.

You need to provide the following required path parameter:

  • id - The unique identifier of the run configuration to be deleted.


A successful response will return the details of the deleted run configuration object.

  "id": 12345,
  "name": "Nightly Regression Test",
  "command": "string",
  "projectId": 67890,
  "teamId": 123,
  "testProjectId": 56789,
  "releaseId": 23456,
  "testSuiteCollectionId": 78901,
  "testSuiteId": 67891,
  "executionProfileId": 34567,
  "baselineCollectionGroupOrder": 1,
  "timeOut": 600,
  "kobitonDeviceId": "device123",
  "configType": "TSC",
  "cloudType": "K8S",
  "latestJob": {
    "id": 1234,
    "buildNumber": 1001,
    "status": "QUEUED",
    "queuedAt": "2025-01-17T22:17:22.033Z",
    "startTime": "2025-01-17T22:17:22.033Z",
    "stopTime": "2025-01-17T22:17:22.033Z",
    "testProject": {
      "id": 56789,
      "name": "Test Project Example",
      "description": "This is a sample test project",
      "defaultTestProject": true,
      "uploadFileId": 12345,
      "projectId": 67890,
      "teamId": 123,
      "createdAt": "2025-01-17T22:17:22.033Z",
      "uploadFileName": "",
      "type": "KS",
      "dirty": true
    "execution": {
      "status": "PASSED",
      "startTime": "2025-01-17T22:17:22.033Z",
      "endTime": "2025-01-17T22:17:22.033Z",
      "duration": 120,
      "elapsedDuration": 120,
      "totalTests": 50,
      "totalPassedTests": 45,
      "totalFailedTests": 5,
      "totalErrorTests": 0,
      "totalIncompleteTests": 0,
      "totalSkippedTests": 0,
      "id": 4321,
      "projectId": 67890,
      "buildId": 56789,
      "order": 1,
      "executionStage": "RUNNING",
      "hasComment": true,
      "sessionId": "session123",
      "buildLabel": "Build 1001",
      "buildUrl": "",
      "type": "KATALON",
      "useTestCloudTunnel": true
    "agent": {
      "id": 67890,
      "name": "Agent-01",
      "ip": "",
      "uuid": "uuid1234",
      "lastPing": "2025-01-17T22:17:22.033Z",
      "os": "Linux",
      "teamId": 123,
      "hostname": "agent01.local",
      "active": true,
      "threshold": 5,
      "numExecutingJobs": 0,
      "numAssignedJobs": 2,
      "agentVersion": "1.0.0",
      "deleted": false
  "genericCommand": "command123",
  "ksVersion": "1.0.1",
  "ksLocation": "location/path",
  "nextRunScheduler": {
    "id": 54321,
    "name": "Nightly Regression Test Scheduler",
    "startTime": "2025-01-17T22:17:22.033Z",
    "nextTime": "2025-01-18T22:17:22.033Z",
    "endTime": "2025-01-18T22:17:22.033Z",
    "active": true,
    "interval": 24,
    "intervalUnit": "HOUR",
    "runConfigurationId": 12345,
    "runConfiguration": {
      "id": 12345,
      "name": "Nightly Regression Test",
      "command": "string",
      "projectId": 67890,
      "teamId": 123,
      "testProjectId": 56789,
      "releaseId": 23456,
      "testSuiteCollectionId": 78901,
      "testSuiteId": 67891,
      "executionProfileId": 34567,
      "baselineCollectionGroupOrder": 1,
      "timeOut": 600,
      "kobitonDeviceId": "device123",
      "configType": "TSC",
      "cloudType": "K8S",
      "genericCommand": "command123",
      "ksVersion": "1.0.1",
      "ksLocation": "location/path",
      "executionMode": "SEQUENTIAL",
      "enabledKobitonIntegration": true,
      "enabledTestCloudTunnel": true,
      "triggerMode": "TESTOPS_SCHEDULER",
      "browserType": "CHROME"
    "exceededLimitTime": true
  "release": {
    "id": 23456,
    "name": "Release 1.0",
    "startTime": "2025-01-17",
    "endTime": "2025-01-17",
    "description": "First release for version 1.0",
    "projectId": 67890,
    "closed": true,
    "createdAt": "2025-01-17T22:17:22.033Z",
    "releaseStatus": "READY"
  "build": {
    "id": 123,
    "projectId": 67890,
    "releaseId": 23456,
    "name": "Build 1001",
    "description": "Nightly build",
    "date": "2025-01-17T22:17:22.033Z"
  "executionMode": "SEQUENTIAL",
  "enabledKobitonIntegration": true,
  "enabledTestCloudTunnel": true,
  "triggerMode": "TESTOPS_SCHEDULER",
  "browserType": "CHROME"

Refer to the following table about the response body parameters:

idIntegerUnique identifier for the command or job.
nameStringName of the command or job.
commandStringThe command being executed.
projectIdIntegerUnique identifier for the project.
teamIdIntegerUnique identifier for the team associated with the project.
testProjectIdIntegerUnique identifier for the test project.
releaseIdIntegerUnique identifier for the release.
testSuiteCollectionIdIntegerUnique identifier for the test suite collection.
testSuiteIdIntegerUnique identifier for the test suite.
executionProfileIdIntegerUnique identifier for the execution profile.
baselineCollectionGroupOrderIntegerThe baseline group order for the collection.
timeOutIntegerTimeout value for the command or execution.
kobitonDeviceIdStringDevice identifier for Kobiton (for mobile testing).
configTypeStringThe configuration type used (e.g., TSC for Test Suite Collection).
testProjectObject (TestProject)Contains details about the test project, including its ID, description, name, and more.
agentsArray of Objects (Agent)List of agents associated with the execution, containing details like ID, name, OS, status, and version.
testCloudAgentsArray of Objects (TestCloudAgent)List of test cloud agents, with information about OS, device, application ID, and more.
k8sAgentsArray of Objects (K8sAgent)List of Kubernetes agents, with details about certificates, URL, tokens, and cluster configuration.
circleCIAgentsArray of Objects (CircleCiAgent)List of CircleCI agents with project, username, token, and repository details.
testCloudTestSuiteCollectionAgentsArray of Objects (TestCloudTestSuiteCollectionAgent)Test cloud agents linked with the test suite collection.
cloudTypeStringType of cloud environment (e.g., K8S).
latestJobObject (Job)Information about the latest job, including job status, execution details, and associated test project.
genericCommandStringA generic command that is executed within the context of the job.
ksVersionStringVersion of the Katalon Studio used for execution.
ksLocationStringLocation of Katalon Studio within the execution environment.
nextRunSchedulerObject (Scheduler)Details about the next run for the scheduler, including the start time, interval, and status.
releaseObject (Release)Information about the release, such as name, description, status, and dates.
buildObject (Build)Details of the build including its ID, project ID, and release information.
executionModeStringMode of execution (e.g., SEQUENTIAL).
enabledKobitonIntegrationBooleanFlag indicating if Kobiton integration is enabled.
enabledTestCloudTunnelBooleanFlag indicating if Test Cloud Tunnel is enabled.
triggerModeStringMode of triggering (e.g., TESTOPS_SCHEDULER.
browserTypeStringType of browser being used (e.g., CHROME).

Try it!

  1. Provide the required parameters and values below (click the dropdown and plus icons):
  2. Select the language in Language.
  3. Enter your user name or API credentials.
  4. Review your API call and click Try it!
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!