List all mobile apps

A successful request to this endpoint retrieves a list of mobile apps, with support for filtering and pagination.


This request uses the GET method, which is used to retrieve a paginated list of mobile apps with their metadata and details from the specified resource.

For basic authorization, replace this with your username and password (or API key) in the username:password or username:api_key format. Your user credentials are combined to form a Base64-encoded string.

The request data is provided as a JSON object. You can optionally include the following query parameters:

  • pageToken: Token for retrieving the next page of results. Use the token provided in the previous response.
    limit: Number of records to return per page. Defaults to 10 if not specified.


The response includes details about the total count, pagination token, and a list of mobile apps, each containing its associated metadata and attributes.

See the following example:

  "count": 0,
  "pageToken": "string",
  "items": {
    "id": "b3f3c0a0-0f5a-4f4a-8f4a-0b9e4b0f4a0f",
    "organizationId": "1234",
    "name": "Katalon Demo App",
    "platform": "ANDROID",
    "universalAppId": ",",
    "status": "NEW",
    "size": 123456,
    "description": "This is a demo app",
    "storagePath": "string",
    "reason": "App size is too big",
    "uploadedDate": "2022-03-10T16:15:50.000Z",
    "metadata": {
      "appId": "",
      "identifier": "",
      "name": "Katalon Demo App",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "versionCode": "1",
      "minSdk": 11,
      "targetSdk": 15
    "createdDate": "2022-03-10T12:15:50.000Z",
    "updatedDate": "2022-03-10T12:15:50.000Z",
    "fileName": "KatalonDemoApp.apk"

Refer to the following table about the response body properties:

countIntegerTotal number of apps retrieved in the response.
pageTokenStringToken to retrieve the next page of results.
itemsObjectAn array of mobile app records, each representing a specific mobile app with detailed attributes
items.idStringUnique identifier for the mobile app.
items.organizationIdStringID of the organization the app belongs to.
items.nameStringName of the mobile app.
items.platformStringPlatform of the mobile app (e.g., ANDROID, iOS).
items.universalAppIdStringUniversal ID that associates Android and iOS versions of the app.
items.statusStringCurrent status of the app (e.g., NEW, PUBLISHED).
items.sizeIntegerSize of the app file in bytes.
items.descriptionStringDescription of the app.
items.storagePathStringLocation where the app is stored.
items.reasonStringReason for the app status, if applicable.
items.uploadedDateStringDate and time the app was uploaded (ISO 8601 format).
items.metadataObjectMetadata associated with the mobile app.
items.metadata.appIdStringIdentifier for the app.
items.metadata.identifierStringAnother identifier for the app, typically used for app store listings.
items.metadata.nameStringName of the app.
items.metadata.versionStringCurrent version of the app.
items.metadata.versionCodeStringInternal version code used for identifying builds.
items.metadata.minSdkIntegerMinimum SDK level required to run the app.
items.metadata.targetSdkIntegerTarget SDK level for which the app is optimized.
items.createdDateStringDate and time the app record was created (ISO 8601 format).
items.updatedDateStringDate and time the app record was last updated (ISO 8601 format).
items.fileNameStringName of the app file.

Try it!

  1. Enter the required (and optional, if applicable) fields below.
  2. Select the language in Language.
  3. Enter your user name or API credentials.
  4. Review your API call and click Try it!
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!