Get a Git test project

A successful request to this endpoint returns the test project details given the corresponding test project ID.


This request uses the GET method, which is used to retrieve a paginated list of mobile apps with their metadata and details from the specified resource.

For basic authorization, replace this with your username and password (or API key) in the username:password or username:api_key format. Your user credentials are combined to form a Base64-encoded string.

The request data is provided as a JSON object. You can optionally include the following query parameters:

  • pageToken: Token for retrieving the next page of results. Use the token provided in the previous response.
  • limit: Number of records to return per page. Defaults to 10 if not specified.


The response returns details of the specified Git repository and associated test suite collections.

See the following example:

  "id": 517169,
  "name": "ci-samples",
  "description": "",
  "projectId": 934901,
  "createdAt": "2023-01-05T07:05:21.399+0000",
  "type": "GIT",
  "gitRepository": {
    "id": 316592,
    "testProjectId": 517169,
    "repository": "",
    "branch": "refs/heads/update-gitlab-sample",
    "username": "[email protected]",
    "password": "",
    "createdAt": "2023-01-05T07:05:21.399+0000",
    "vcsType": "GITLAB",
    "shouldMergeTestResultsForNewScriptRepo": false
  "testSuiteCollections": [
      "id": 354022,
      "name": "Test Suites/Advanced/TS_RegressionTestCollectionParallel",
      "urlId": "354022-Test Suites/Advanced/TS_RegressionTestCollectionParallel"
      "id": 354023,
      "name": "Test Suites/TS_RegressionTestCollection",
      "urlId": "354023-Test Suites/TS_RegressionTestCollection"
  "dirty": false

Refer to the following table about the response body properties:

idIntegerThe unique identifier of the test project.
nameStringThe test project name.
descriptionStringThe test project description.
projectIdIntegerThe unique identifier of the associated Katalon project.
createdAtStringThe date and time when the test project was configured.
typeStringThe script repository type: GIT (for Git-based) or KS (for non-Git).
gitRepositoryObjectThe object that describes the Git repository attached to the test project.
testSuiteCollectionsArrayAn array of test suite collections that the test project stores.

Try it!

  1. Enter the required (and optional, if applicable) fields below.
  2. Select the language in Language.
  3. Enter your user name or API credentials.
  4. Review your API call and click Try it!
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!