List all device groups

List all group of devices by name and its supported Android/iOS versions.


This request uses the GET method, which is used to retrieve information about multiple device groups from the specified resource.

For basic authorization, replace this with your username and password (or API key) in the header request in the username:password or username:api_key format. Your user credentials are combined to form a Base64 encoded string.

No additional parameters are required for this request.


A successful request returns a JSON object with the details of the specified mobile group.

See the following example:

  "id": "xiaomi_redmi_note_10s",
  "isTablet": true,
  "manufacturer": "Xiaomi",
  "modelNumber": "string",
  "name": "Redmi Note 10S",
  "os": "Android",
  "osVersion": "string",
  "resolutionHeight": "string",
  "resolutionWidth": "string",
  "screenSize": 0,
  "deviceFamily": "Xiaomi",
  "supportsManualWebTesting": true,
  "status": "AVAILABLE",
  "abiType": "string",
  "apiLevel": "string",
  "cpuType": "string",
  "ramSize": 0,
  "internalStorageSize": 0,
  "cpuFrequency": 0,
  "capabilities": {
    "automation": "0",
    "id": "android-11",
    "name": "Android 11",
    "version": "11",
    "deviceId": "Redmi_Note_10S_android_11",
    "deviceName": "Redmi Note 10S",
    "privateCloud": true

Refer to the following table about the response body properties:

idStringThe unique identifier for the device.
isTabletBooleanIndicates whether the device is a tablet.
manufacturerStringThe name of the device manufacturer.
modelNumberStringThe model number of the device.
nameStringThe name of the device.
osStringThe operating system installed on the device (e.g., Android or iOS).
osVersionStringThe version of the operating system installed on the device.
resolutionHeightStringThe height of the device screen resolution.
resolutionWidthStringThe width of the device screen resolution.
screenSizeIntegerThe size of the device screen, typically measured in inches.
deviceFamilyStringThe family or category of the device (e.g., Xiaomi, Samsung).
supportsManualWebTestingBooleanIndicates whether the device supports manual web testing.
statusStringThe current availability status of the device (e.g., AVAILABLE, UNAVAILABLE).
abiTypeStringThe ABI (Application Binary Interface) type of the device.
apiLevelStringThe API level of the device.
cpuTypeStringThe type of CPU used in the device.
ramSizeIntegerThe size of RAM (in GB) available in the device.
internalStorageSizeIntegerThe size of internal storage (in GB) available in the device.
cpuFrequencyIntegerThe CPU frequency of the device, measured in GHz.
capabilitiesObjectAn object representing additional capabilities and attributes of the device.
capabilities.automationStringIndicates the automation capability level of the device.
capabilities.idStringA unique identifier for the OS version capabilities.
capabilities.nameStringThe name of the OS version capability.
capabilities.versionStringThe version number of the OS capability.
capabilities.deviceIdStringA unique identifier for the device and OS version combination.
capabilities.deviceNameStringThe name of the device under the specified OS version.
capabilities.privateCloudBooleanIndicates whether the device is part of a private cloud setup.

Try it!

  1. Enter the required (and optional, if applicable) fields below.
  2. Select the language in Language.
  3. Enter your user name or API credentials.
  4. Review your API call and click Try it!
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!