Update a test case

A successful request to this endpoint updates details of a specified test case. This method returns the updated test case.


This request uses the POST method, which is used to submit data to be processed to the specified resource. You can update the description and/or assign a user for your test case using this method.

For basic authorization, replace this with your actual username and password (or API key) in the header request in the username:password or username:api_key format. Your user creds are combined to form a Base64 encoded string.

The request data is provided as a JSON object in the --data option. It includes the following fields:

  • maintainer: An object containing information about the maintainer. Provide the alphanumeric ID and email address of your assigned maintainer (a user of your organization).
  • id: the alphanumeric ID of the test case that is being updated.
  • description: The updated description for the test case.


The response is in JSON. This API response provides information about the test case after an update (POST) operation. Some fields remain the same, while others may have been modified as a result of the update.

The response includes details such as the test case's execution history, project information, and various statistics related to the test case.

See the following example:

  "id": 3468915,
  "name": "TC_Book An Agent",
  "path": "Test Cases/TC Katalon Health Care",
  "alias": "tc_book-an-agent",
  "webUrl": "https://testops.katalon.io/team/950689/project/964154/test-design/test-cases/3468915-tc_book-an-agent",
  "project": {
    "id": 964154,
    "name": "First Project",
    "teamId": 950689,
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "canAutoIntegrate": false,
    "sampleProject": false
  "lastExecutionTestCase": {
    "status": "PASSED",
    "startTime": "2022-11-26T11:10:17.661+0000",
    "endTime": "2022-11-26T11:10:17.661+0000",
    "duration": 0,
    "totalTests": 1,
    "totalPassedTests": 1,
    "totalFailedTests": 0,
    "totalErrorTests": 0,
    "totalIncompleteTests": 0,
    "totalSkippedTests": 0,
    "executionId": 13679106,
    "executionOrder": 41,
    "testCaseId": 3468915,
    "projectId": 964154
  "externalIssues": [],
  "type": "TEST_CASE",
  "averageDuration": 0,
  "maxDuration": 0,
  "minDuration": 0,
  "flakiness": 0,
  "testResultAssertion": {},
  "updatedAt": "2022-11-30T07:10:18.939+0000",
  "createdAt": "2022-11-30T07:10:08.111+0000",
  "numberOfExecutions": 12,
  "testType": "G4_TEST_CASE",
  "urlId": "3468915-tc_book-an-agent"

Refer to the following table about the response body parameters:

idintegerThe unique identifier of the test case.
namestringThe name of the test case.
pathstringThe file folder location of the test case in TestOps.
aliasstringThe alias for the test class used in a test script.
webUrlstringThe URL of the test case detail page.
projectproject objectThe project object associated with the test case.
lastExecutionTestCaselastExecutionTestCase objectThis object contains details of the latest execution of a test case, including execution status, total tests executed, duration, execution ID, and start and end times.
typeThe type of the entity.
averageDurationintegerThe mean average time running an execution in a test case.
maxDurationintegerThe maximum time it takes for an execution to run in a test case.
minDurationintegerThe shortest or minimum time it takes for an execution to run in a test case.
flakinessintegerThe number of times the status of test results changes over the total number of test results.
testResultAssertionArray of testResultAssertion objectsTest case assertion logs or scripts.
updatedAtstringThe date and time when the test case was last updated.
createdAtstringThe date and time when the test case was originally created.
testTypeThe type of the test case.
urlIdstringThe unique URL identifier of a test case.

Try it!

  1. Enter the test case ID below.
  2. Enter your new description and/or select maintainer.
  3. Select the language in Language.
  4. Enter your user name or API credentials.
  5. Review your API call and click Try it!
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!